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Friday, July 30, 2010

She Sings the Songs

"Looking on she sings the songs/ The words she knows, the tunes she hums."

This is another favorite of the three year old I teach. I started singing her Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" after she began ballet classes over a year ago, and it stuck. She can name that tune just by hearing the first couple of notes on the radio, and she does, in fact, know the words and hum the tune. As we were driving back from the art museum today, I was belting out the lyrics to this song with a three and five year old, making me feel like I was starring in my own G-rated version of "Almost Famous", my favorite movie. Minus the totally cool 70s rock band. And the Band-Aids (except for the Hello Kitty one on Riley's foot). And the writing that the lead character actually got paid for! But I digress.

Before our karaoke session in the minivan, the girls and I had a great time at the museum. All of my reservations about taking a very active and spirited preschooler to the museum were proven unnecessary. She was in awe at the size of the massive oil paintings, and was clearly impressed at the extensive collection of Tiffany glass, especially the chandeliers, which she wanted to buy. What can I say, she has expensive taste! The entire field trip lasted less than two hours, but they were filled with culture, education, and the look of wonder on children's faces that can only be described as priceless.

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