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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday's Top Ten - Obsessions

"Gonna change my way of thinking/ Make myself a different set of rules." - "Gonna Change My Way of Thinking" by Bob Dylan

I wish I could do that Bob, but I can't. I seriously think I have a mild form of OCD. Ever since I was a kid, I have always had an addictive personality, getting fixated on things for weeks, months, even years at a time, for no real reason other than that I can't help it. I say my OCD is mild because I am still able to function on a normal level (I know my sister, Jenna, is rolling her eyes and laughing as she reads this), but I'll use this week's Tuesday's Top Ten to give you a little insight into my mind. Don't worry. I know it can be a dark, scary place, but there's a light in the attic (yes there is, Jenna!) and one at the end of the tunnel as well.

1. Names - I have been obsessed with names since I was 11 years old and was given egg babies as a family life assignment in sixth grade. I was the proud recipient of triplet egg babies (I was a weird kid, and this thrilled me to no end!), and had to come up with names for them. Since my name is Shannon, I decided to go with "Sh" names, bought a baby name book (oh, the start of an obsession!), and the rest is history. Being the list maker that I am, I have compiled page after page over the years of names I like, ranked in order, alphabetically, by origin - you name it, I've listed it. A harmless habit to have, but this has been going on for 17 years now!

2. Music - Other than writing, which I won't say is an obsession because it's more of my life and career plan, music is what speaks to me most. I have always loved music, but I really got into classic rock in high school and still can't get enough. Bob Dylan, obviously, as well as Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, etc. - are always in my head. The poets who put their words to music are definitely worth obsessing about. And now there's The Gaslight Anthem and The Horrible Crowes giving me even more lyrics to focus on (thanks for that, Brian Fallon!). Too bad I am not at all gifted musically myself. Sigh...

3. The Number Five - Okay, now we get a little more psychological. For many years, at least since high school, I have been fixated on the number five. I sit in the fifth row at the movie theater. I mentally repeat things five times. I check my alarm clock five times before going to sleep to make sure it's turned on, time correct, etc. This is the most time consuming of my obsessions, and the one that will probably lead to more down the line. Oh great, something to look forward to.

4. Christmas - It really is the most wonderful time of the year! I think about Christmas all the time, and as Sheryl Crow says, "If it makes you happy/ It can't be that bad". I tend to be very over the top, and that is never clearer than at Christmas. I only listen to Christmas music, watch Christmas movies, read Christmas books, etc. from November 1 until New Year's, and try to get everyone else to do the same. I know it drives people a little crazy that I am such a Christmas nut, but I honestly can't help it. I am always filled with the Christmas spirit!

5. The Hugga Bunch - Does anyone remember this Hallmark TV movie and the subsequent toys and miscellaneous merchandise, or is it just me? Hugga Bunch was my first true obsession. As a toddler, I watched this movie that my dad had recorded for me (on our old Betamax!) every single day until the tape broke. Then it was recorded again and I eventually got it on VHS. Hmm...I wonder if it's available on DVD? Blu-Ray?

6. Psychology - How weird is it to be obsessed with the very field that deals with problems like Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? I first started learning about psychology, and when I say learning I mean reading anything and everything I could get my hands on dealing with any aspect of psychology, when I was 12 and read the book "Sybil", a true story of a woman with Multiple Personality Disorder (now referred to as Dissociative Identity Disorder). I was hooked from the second I realized how terribly, terribly wrong things can go with our own minds and the genetic link that often accompanies these disorders. I started looking into my family history and that just fueled the obsession. In fact, it's a minor miracle that I'm sane enough to write anything! Scary stuff, psychology.

7. Counting - This is similar to the number fixation, but its own obsession entirely. I count everything. Words people say, steps I take, times a day I hear, "But wwhhhyyyyy?" from a child (GRR!!!), times I tap my fingers on the table (multiple of five, of course), pretty much anything that pops into my mind. I know it's a problem because once the idea gets into my head that I have to count, I can't get it out of my mind until the counting is done. Again, I have no problem working, playing, and living, but this one gets in the way sometimes.

8. Evenness - I absolutely hate when something is uneven. If my left arm itches, I have to scratch my right arm too. If I straighten one sock, the other one will get fixed as well, whether or not it needs it. There's no way getting around this one. It just has to be done.

9. Barrow, Alaska - Why? I have no idea. I came across something a while back that mentioned that Barrow is the northernmost town in North America, I looked it up, and so began a new obsession. I even have Barrow saved as a favorite on my page. I find it fascinating how cold it is there, how the people live, the location, everything. I have no desire to go there, I just love knowing everything I can about this tiny little town north of the Arctic Circle. And I love The Weather Channel's "Cantore Stories" they had about it. Very interesting!

10. Getting the Last Word - maybe this isn't really an obsession, but since I can't let it go, I'm including it. I don't care what the argument is, I will always get the last word. Is this annoying, childish, downright stubborn? You bet, but I still have to have the final say. Especially when I know I'm right, which is all the time. ;)

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